“Vulnerability is our most accurate measurment of courage” – Brené Brown
I woule like to talk about vulnerability.
We often associate vulnerability with women, tears, tantrums, etc…. It is considered a weakness.
For me, vulnerability means showing my emotions, talking about my emotions, all emotions, negative and positive. It seems to me that in Western culture vulnerability is a sign of weakness and my “British-Swiss” education has certainly reinforced this belief. But that’s just it, it’s just a belief! A belief I chose to change because it no longer serves me.
I was someone “prim and proper”, always ready to help, to listen, to please. I’d put on my armour, said what I wanted thought others wanted to hear (although sometimes, with my English humor, I managed to say what nobody dared to say). And it was good, it was satisfying. But not anymore. I realize today that coping with and recognizing one’s emotions makes us stronger, not weaker.
So I choose to show my vulnerability. I choose to be ME.
By dropping our armour, we become open to all the possibilities of life, we become open to joy, creativity, happiness and especially to Authenticity and Love. We become open to the most beautiful adventures, those that give meaning to our lives.
And this is valid both in professional life and in private life.
So today I say dare vulnerability, dare to talk about our emotions, dare to show that we are disappointed, angry, sad, frustrated, happy, positive, appeased, etc … And this at home as well as outside all the while remaining within the respect of oneself and of the other. I also choose to show my vulnerability because, for me, it also means speaking with my heart.
So let us be vulnerable, let us be ourselves with our emotions, our quality, our defects, our fears, our beliefs. But above all, let’s be at peace with who we are.
I choose to be ME with all my facets and emotions.
I choose to be vulnerable and show this vulnerability.
I choose to be ME.
Today I am ME and you, will you dare to be you?